!t: Time event


The internal timer of the clock starts counting with zero seconds, zero minutes and zero hours at the moment the device is powered up. With insertion of the memory card, this clock is also set to “0” zero.

Each time value must be entered in the format minutes:seconds. Hours must be converted to minutes. A time of 2 hours, 15 minutes and 20 seconds should be formatted as 135:20.

The character after the “t” determines the way the time should be interpreted.

m is the absolute time after powering up the ProCommander® or after the insertion of a memory card. After each removal or new insertion of the card the time is set to zero.

& means “modulo” which means, that any time the value is reached the command is executed

c is the symbol for the time of an extern time code (SMPTE). The time value must be entered in the format hours:minutes:seconds. A time of 1 hour, 8 minutes and 49 seconds should be formatted as 01:08:49.




!tm01:20!…# -> If the time 1 minute 20 seconds is reached after the power up or plug in of the card, then the following command will be executed.


!t&05:00!…# -> Every 5 minutes the following command will be executed.


!tc22:37:35!…# -> If the extern time code (SMPTE) reaches 22 hours, 37 minutes and 35 seconds, then the downstream command will be executed.