The limit is one trigger event per line (!i, !t, !rc, !v, !tc !d or !k)!
Only variable conditions can be combined in one line. If you need
a combination of several trigger events you have to do this via variables.
The ProCommander® ES and AX cannot execute this trigger event!
As a start condition either an “!i: Input event“, “!t: Time event“, “!rc: Real time clock event“, “!v: Variable event“, “!d: DMX event“, “!tc: timecode event” or “!k: Infrared event” can be used.
!rc: Real time clock event
Time-controlled events with the internal real time clock. (not available on ES or AX ProCommander® devices).
After inserting a battery and setting the time, for further information read the chapter “RealTimeClk” in the ProCommander instruction manual. Be aware, that the ProCommander ES has no real time clock. Based on the date and time values of the real time clock the downstream commands can be executed.
w = weekday (value range: 1-7; Monday = 1; Sunday = 7).
d = day (value range: 1-31).
o = month (value range: 1-12).
y = year (value range: 12-11; corresponds from 2012 to 2111).
h = hour (value range: 0-23).
m = minute (value range: 0-59).
s = seconds (value range: 0-59).
As operators > < = & are permitted, whereby & means “modulo”.
The order of the different conditions is not relevant and not all conditions have to be defined, if they are not needed.
All conditions have to be expressed within round brackets () separated with a semicolon ;
Spaces within the round brackets are NOT allowed.
!rc(d=24;0=12;y=14)!rsn1# -> December 24th 2014 runs Show 1 in normal mode.
!rc(s&10)!…# -> All 10 seconds the downstream command will be executed.
!rc(w>2;w<7;h=8)!…# -> From Tuesday till Saturday the downstream command will be executed precisely at 8 a.m.
!rc(m&15)!…# -> At every quarter (0, 15, 30, 45) the downstream command will be executed.
A real-time command will be executed, as soon as all conditions within the round bracket are true. This condition has to become “untrue” once, that the command will be executed the next time it becomes “true” again.
For example the condition !rc(s&1)!…# would be executed only once, because second modulo 1 is always “true”.