Download to any ProCommander™ device.

Stream to any Pro I/O™ device.

Extended support for X-Series features.
Conductor is a timeline-based show control programming and production application. It starts with a familiar non-linear editor for audio and video media and then adds timeline driven analog, digital, serial, DMX-512, PWM, RS-232 and UDP outputs. Built to support Weigl ProCommander® and Pro I/O™ hardware, Conductor provides a powerful Windows based programming platform for Weigl devices. Conductor is fully built to take advantage of the Weigl digital motor library and extended X-Series features. Manage multiple devices and up to 1000 universes of lighting at once through the latest full versions.

Live Data Recording
Conductor enables you to record automation and animation live and in-sync with your audio and video elements. Our own real-time, linear record interface ensures efficient programming of your show. Built around animatronics and show action equipment, this component is critical to programming a believable animated show experience.
External devices such as Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, MIDI faders and consoles are easily mapped, as well as any game controllers or human interface devices. Latch on to any single or multiple output channels and program your show in real-time. Punch In/Out can be set per group – allowing you to record to all or single channels.
Input values can be scaled or inverted and you can define ease-in and out times for devices with no force feedback, to avoid any jumps in the recording data.
When you’ve finished your main programming, simply toggle back to the timeline for greater accuracy and precision on critical frame editing.
Media Rich File Integration
Using Conductor and the ProCommander Series enables you to build your hardware interactions and directly embed them into your media asset programming. ConductorPro gives you direct access to input and output digital/analog I/O, serial and UDP commands. With Conductor, it’s easy to know exactly what is happening to your media and in your timeline when an input closes.
Offline Editing
Import video and have a frame accurate preview for offline editing.**Some limitations apply for VX and VP devices**
Fast & Feature Rich Analog Point/Curve Editing
Use quick smoothing tools and pencil creation drawing, or select specific points and use scaling, shifting, interpolations or optimization engines to fully tune your complex analog integration. ConductorPro features CSV and library portability for all analog curve data created. This provides rapid re-use and tweaking of data across similar movements or lighting control playback. Just looking for rapid sine/square or hand drawn repeatable motion? Reference tracks and our unique pencil tool give you complete control of the drawing curve.
Edit Fast. Edit Simple. Deploy Accurately.

One Interface, Countless Opportunities
Conductor offers synchronous lighting, animation, show action and control data with audio and video playback through one simple and eloquent interface. The timeline interface remains consistent regardless of the digital or analog device you need to control. Need to change an address, output resolution or other hardware parameter? No problem. All assets are configurable at a global level, reducing programming redundancies.
Color Channel
Using Conductor, show designers can implement an exact RGB value from a timeline video frame, still image or other show media file. You can pick the color from the familiar designer’s palette, and the value is mixed through your RGB fixture. Imagine editing color in the physical world as easily as editing a digital file.
Need a slow fade between a specific red and blue value? Simply set your color anchor points and stretch for duration. Conductor will tween all values for a smooth, adaptable color fade. From planetarium ceilings to projection surface color mixing, this unique feature helps even a lighting technology novice creatively manage these color mixing fixtures with ease.
Multi-Channel Audio Editing with Volume Control
Playback, edit and route audio to up to 16 audio channels. Use common file formats such as WAV, AAC MP3 and even OGG right from your Weigl MicroSD card. Mix-down multiple tracks for ProCommander playback export as the same or alternate audio format. Add keyframe volume levels by channel or entire group. Preview your creation with the hardware you have local. Down-mix temporarily or connect multi-channel hardware independent of your final show mix and routing.
Keyframe Sliders
As an alternative to direct point manipulation, the keyframe sliders allow you to jump from point to point and adjust the value of the point with the slider.
sACN, Art-Net & DMX Recording
Working with a lighting designer who prefers their own console?
Monitor and record 1000 Art-Net or sACN universes at once or a single universe of traditional DMX through a Weigl Pro I/O DMX or ProCommander® 2 or better interface and assign the recorded data to any sACN, Art-Net or Weigl DMX capable output device. The recorded data can also be extracted for editing. Once complete, the lighting show data can be streamed directly from Conductor or downloaded to a ProCommander® device (4-16 universe limit per device, 512 Universe embedded playback limit (16×32) hardware dependent).
Recording is synchronized either through sACN, Art-Net, FSK or SMPTE Timecode (ProCommander® 4 or better required) or recording can be triggered by the first changing DMX channel or by hitting a button. Sync playback on a Weigl ProCommander ® to SMPTE, FSK or Art-Net rtpMTC timecode. **Timecode options may be limited in certain versions and in comparison to Showforge® software**
Network Deployment To Onboard Storage
Conductor and the ProCommander® & Pro I/O Series permit delivery of your shows and system logic directly from the ethernet connection that you were using during programming of your shows. Our new network deployment feature tracks changes and updates show files, logic files and reference materials as they change with the simple click of a button. Save time and track versions of show easier with this powerful feature. **X-series upload may be limited in comparison to Showforge®.

Playback & Version Options
Conductor and the ProCommander® Series permit delivery of your finished shows for either direct timeline playback or output for standalone execution using any of the three ProCommander® specific versions listed below (Starter, Basic & Advanced). Utilizing any of the ProCommander’s inputs, any timeline created in Conductor can be triggered as a synchronous show. While running up to 18 shows, you can use our simple-to-navigate WEM | Script™ for any external control source to issue any stacking of asynchronous commands simultaneously.
Conductor also offers a full version that can be left in place for PC playback or Weigl deployment. Full version is unlimited in terms of inputs/output. ** Please note that Conductor requires maintenance to receive the latest updates. Please see below for more details. **

Where to Buy:
Purchase ConductorPro from select resellers or Weiglshop.com (login required, shipping within the Americas only):