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** All software support and downloads have moved to our partners at Motalab: MotaLab Downloads and Support **
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Documentation & Downloads

Latest Firmware
- ProCommander® AX
- ProCommander® 2
- ProCommander® 3
- ProCommander® 4
- ProCommander® ES
- ProCommander® PHX
- ProCommander® PHX 2
- ProCommander® LX
- ProCommander® LX 2
- ProCommander® 16
- ProCommander® LTC
- Pro I/O ™
- WEMC-1 – V2.47 (FINAL)
- Pro™ VP
- PrismTag™ ScoreMaster FW (VP Version)
- ProCommander® VX
- ProCommander® HX
- ProCommander® HXi
Product Manuals
Weigl Hardware
Case studies and hardware setup

Configurator - MacOS
This tutorial explores setup of a new or existing Weigl device from any Mac or PC. We recommend this video as your starting point with the Weigl ecosystem.

Configurator - PC
This tutorial explores setup of a new or existing Weigl device from any Mac or PC. We recommend this video as your starting point with the Weigl ecosystem.

ProCommander® LX/Pro VP
This case study video focuses on configuring a ProCommander LX combined with multiple Pro VP™ units for use in an interactive application.

ProCommander® VX/Pro VP™
This product quick start covers configuration of the Pro VP and ProCommander® VX, combined with Showforge media workflows for use in an interactive application.
Knowledge Base
Guided examples from common use cases
Getting Started with the Control.ini
Download Full Command List Here: WEM | Script Full Command List

Structure of the Control.ini File – Real time clock event
A syntax for the INI related to time or inputs must always start with the definition of the trigger event. As a start condition...

Structure of the Control.ini File – Time Events
It must always start with the definition of the trigger event. As a start condition either an "!i: Input event", "!t: Time event", "!rc: Real time clock event", "!v: Variable event", "!d: DMX event"...

Structure of the Control.ini File – Input Events
Each command line of the Control.ini must always start with the definition of a trigger event. Attention! The limit is one trigger event per line (!i, !t, !rc, !v, !tc !d or !k)! Only variable...

Control.ini commands are not executed due to syntax error
Attention! During execution there is no complex syntax check. Therefore, we recommend using a code editor, such as VCCode with support for WEM | Script The following command combination cannot be...

Control.ini – Structure and Overview
The Control.ini file is an easy way to assign different trigger events to the ProCommander® Series without any special show programming, or licensed software. The INI file can be crafted or edited...

Input and Show Logic
Three switches trigger three shows via variables
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES The project contains three different show files, which are played in an...

Input and Show Logic
Background looping shows and timed main show events
As a start condition, either an "!i: Input event", "!t: Time event", "!rc: Real time clock event", "!v: Variable event", "!d: DMX event" or "!k: Infrared event" can be used at the beginning of the...

Input and Show Logic
Structure of the Control.ini file – Infrared event
As a start condition, either an "!i: Input event", "!t: Time event", "!rc: Real time clock event", "!v: Variable event", "!d: DMX event" or "!k: Infrared event" can be used at the beginning of the...

Input and Show Logic
Structure of Control.ini file – DMX event
As a start condition, either an "!i: Input event", "!t: Time event", "!rc: Real time clock event", "!v: Variable event", "!d: DMX event" or "!k: Infrared event" can be used at the beginning of the...

Input and Show Logic
Control.ini – Variables and input conditions
As a start condition, either an "!i: Input event", "!t: Time event", "!rc: Real time clock event", "!v: Variable event", "!d: DMX event" or "!k: Infrared event" can be used at the beginning of the...
Variables and game logic

Input and Show Logic
Single pushbutton controls 7 shows via !rsv command
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES For this example variable number 5 will be used. You can use all variables from...

Input and Show Logic
One pushbutton controls five shows via variables
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES This project consists of five shows, which are controlled by one pushbutton. After each actuation of the pushbutton a new show is started.Therefore...

Input and Show Logic
Direct output control via variables and inputs
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES The project consists of one show, which is triggered by each contact closure via input 1. Therefore the restart mode is required.In show 1 there are...

Input and Show Logic
Three shows are controlled via three DMX channels
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES This project consists of three shows and is controlled via three DMX channels.The first DMX channel starts the second show, the second DMX channel...

Input and Show Logic
Six track, multi-language audio via variables
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES The project has six different areas. Each area can be filled with four different recorded voice sounds, which are German, Spanish, French and...

Game Logic
Create Game with Coin Insert and High Score Tracking
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES The following is an example of a simple arcade game that can be entirely scripted via the Control.ini and using WEM | Script. Try below to see if you can...

Game Logic
Create Simon Says Logic using two RGB LEDs (via DMX)
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES Below is an example of a game of Simon Says:Game Play:1. The game begins by Simon flashing the following pattern using the...

Game Logic
Create Traffic Light Logic using two RGB LEDs (via DMX)
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES This project consists of two RGB DMX light sources with behavior similar to that of a traffic light. DMX1 uses channels 1, 2 and 3, while DMX2 uses...

Media Controls
Volume control via a single pushbutton input
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES This project consists of one show, which plays an ambient sound in loop mode.If a push button is triggered the ambient sound should fade to a lower...

Media Controls
Volume control via two pushbutton inputs
CONTROL.INI - WEM | SCRIPT ™ CASE STUDIES This project consists of one show, which plays an ambient sound in loop mode.If a push button is triggered the ambient sound should fade to a lower...